
When laying out typography, it is important to keep things simple. Make it punchy, not too intricate or complex. Below are three options for placing typography within a composition.

Type-Led Layout

When laying out typography, it is important to keep things simple. Make it punchy, not too intricate or complex. Below are three options for placing typography within a composition.

Type Sizing
Avoid using more than three type sizes within a composition, and make sure that there is enough contrast in size between title and body copy.

Type-Led Layout

Below are some examples of type-led layouts. Use the toggle on the right to show or hide the grid. Notice how the spacing and alignment is always consistent. This helps create consistency across all layouts, regardless of complexity.

Vertical (With Imagery)
Horizontal (With Imagery)

Type-Led Layout

When laying out typography, make sure to keep things simple. Below are some common mistakes that should be avoided.

1. Typography should never be vertical.
2. Headline copy should be kept short.
3. Never right-align typography.
4. Do not place type or logo outside of margins.
5. Do not set margins that are larger than the logo clearspace.
6. Never align blocks of copy to different points within the composition.